Two-day event in Chongqing

As part of the PWT collaboration in China, a two-day event is organized in Chongqing this weekend. The competitions are organized by Learnjoy and Chongqing Orienteering Association, with PWT as the coordinator. There are also few international athletes taking part.

The first race was run today in Dandelion Coldplay Camp, Dadukou, Chongqing. The weather was hot and humid, and the hilly course was a mix of camp site, park, village, and farmer fields. There was also a part in a maze.



PWT China Tour concluded in Dongziguan

Another tricky sprint in Dongziguan, a village with a new architecture combined with old Chinese style. The men & women elite run the same course and again there was a big number of Chinese runners taking part, including many youngsters.

Thanks to Miki Tse, the Zhejiang Orienteering Association, Firee Sportswear, Thomas Tan and Learnjoy for the organization.

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Challenging third day on PWT China Tour

The sprint in Longmen Old Village proved to be a very tricky one. The courses were set in a pedestrian area with some very narrow streets and alleys. Many local runners joined the event and the best Chinese runner classified 3rd in ME.

Thanks to Miki Tse, the Zhejiang Orienteering Association, Firee Sportswear, Thomas Tan and Learnjoy for the organization.

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Meeting with Hangzhou high school for a cultural exchange.

In days between racing in PWT China Tour, local high school students were challenged by elite runners on a super sprint race , while testing a brand new time keeping system, touch free and a vibrating one, which received many good feedbacks.

Thanks to Miki Tse and the Zhejiang Orienteering Association for organizing the day.

Orienteering in India takes steps forward

While the PWT China Tour is ongoing, orienteering activities supported by the PWT take place also elsewhere. In these days in New Delhi, the first orienteering club in India “New Delhi Orienteering Club” leaded by Mr Gaurav Dhyanchand and powered by Dhyan Chand Foundation organized the first competition in a new map, produced by the locals.

International Orienteering Federation (IOF) sponsored the event by supplying Ocad Starter kit.

Park World Tour proudly supported the organizers by supplying the SportIdent system, which was used for the first in India on a race totally organized by the locals.

The race was organized for a group of girls, and the sport is starting to grow in the country as more and more people are getting in contact with orienteering. The participants seemed to enjoy the activity and have a lot of fun orienteering. The next event is planned for March, and the goal is to involve a larger group of runners.

Park World Tour is keeping on the support to the locals by holding a webinar for map making and event organization. Keep following the development of orienteering in India.



Dhyan Chand Foundation

2024 kicked off with the second race of PWT China Tour

The second WRE of the PWT China Tour was organized in collaboration with LearnJoy in another part of Dinghai forest park on Zhoushan Island. This first race of 2024 was on a nice mixed terrain, starting in a village, routing to the border of a dam, and then through cultivated land, and alleys where locals were here washing their clothes while competitors run by.


1. Jana Peterova, Czechia, 14:30
2. Liisa Nokelainen, Finland, 15:12
3. Lone Brochmann, Norway, 15:17

1. Tomas Krivda, Czechia, 14:02
2. Yannick Michiels, Belgium, 14:30
3. Jonas Hubacek, Czechia, 15:10

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PWT China tour 2023-24 started

PWT China Tour started with a WRE on 31st Dec 2023 in Dinghai Forest Park, on Zhoushan Island. Many runners from all over the World joined and enjoyed the race, which included a bamboo forest, a tunnel passage, and some locals practicing Tai Chi near a control point.

Top 3:

1. Jana Peterova, Czechia, 14:31
2. Lone Brochmann, Norway, 15:34
3. Martina Palumbo, Italy, 16:35

1. Tomas Krivda, Czechia, 12:25
2. Yannick Michiels, Belgium, 13:08
3. Jonas Hubacek, Czechia, 13:48

Full results

Applications for O-Ringen Academy 2023

The application period for O-ringen Academy 2023 is now open.

Park World Tour is in charge to manage the O-Ringen Academy 2023, following the agreement with O-Ringen AB. O-Ringen Academy is one of IOF projects to promote orienteering in new countries.

For more information and how to apply for the Academy and for the Scholarships, visit:
O-Ringen Academy 2023 page.

Seminar in India continues

Yesterday, PWT was welcomed by two other important Universities in the area. Dr. Ashok Poonia, Sports Officer of Poornima University – Jaipur (Rajasthan) and Dr. Arun Mathur, Director Sports of Suresh Gyan Vihar University – Jaipur (Rajasthan) were enthusiastic to get to know more about orienteering and are ready to host some further seminars and trainings. In India there are various kinds of different sports, and we hope to make Indian people fall in love also with orienteering.

The seminar proceeded with a practical experience, which gave a taste of orienteering to the locals, with a competition inside the campus of APEX University.

Here’s the map where the locals tried orienteering themselves for the first time. Easy course to let them try and enjoy it. The fastest had a time of 5:04 on a 1,1km and 9 control course.

PWT is helding a seminar in India

Park World Tour officials are currently visiting India to help build orienteering in the country.

PWT started the first on-site orienteering seminar of India in the APEX University in Jaipur, Rajasthan. The 3-day orienteering seminar has been planned in cooperation with the Indian Orienteering Federation. The aim is to bring our beloved sport into the school system of this country, beginning from the Universities. Students and PE teachers are attending the seminar with theory and practical activities related to orienteering.