PWT Academy – O-Ringen stage 5

Last stage
Was a long distance course in the forest, most of the participants of the Academy finished before the heavy rain and hail…

On the way back from the arena in Änn, we stopped for a sightseeing at Njarka Sameläger, a reconstructed Sami village to see some of their traditional homes.

After the dinner, a nice long talk about the experience of the Academy and the O-Ringen this year. We are ready to improve and to keep supporting all the participants in their home countries, with all the possible means we have!

PWT Academy – O-Ringen stage 4

Stage 4
At some point we had pouring rain. Everybody was soaked today, but still smiling and completing the race 🙂

The participants of the Academy were interviewed by the local Sverige Radio where they talked about how they find the races and the terrains here, and how is orienteering in their home countries.

At the arena, we met the great Marten Bostrom ! 🤩

In the evening, we had the chance to sit with Grant Bluett, gold medal in the World Games in 2001, who shared his orienteering life with us,
and with Jenny Nilsson – Event Manager of IOF who explained the World Orienteering Day project, which will soon become WOW: World Orienteering Week!

PWT Academy – O-Ringen stage 3

This interesting middle distance was, as usual, easy for someone and more challenging for other participants to the Academy.
Nobody gave up even after a long time out in the forest.

As usual, in the evening we had the analysis of the race.

PWT Academy – O-Ringen stage 2

With a much more pleasant weather today, the race in an open area was easier for someone, and more challenging for others. Anyway everybody completed the course end enjoyed the day.

In the evening we had the pleasure to welcome Peo Bengtsson who told us about how O-Ringen started and some other amazing memories, while Albin and Johanna Ridefelt gave the Academy participants some very valuable advices.

We are so grateful for this day!

PWT Academy – O-Ringen stage 1

Stage 1!
Some run very good, some less good, but NO ONE GAVE UP!

All Academy participants completed the races on the wet terrains of today’s race. The race included the corridor to the finish with some very muddy parts.

All returned smiling!

After the long day out at the race and arena, we analyzed everybody’s competition.

Looking for tomorrow’s race!

PWT/O-Ringen Academy training

First day of O-Ringen Academy, Thursday 20th July 2023
Started with training in Otssjö,

continued with a visit to the O-Ringen square, where Nuno from Mozambique,
Ricardo from Colombia and Paul from Malaysia where interviewed
by Per Forsberg of Radio O-Ringen, who also interviewed Jaroslav Kacmarcik.