Orienteering at Kakanmath Temple, MP – India

An orienteering activity for male rural villagers or nearby towns was organised in the spectacular frame of Kakanmath Temple, Morena MP, a Shiv temple dating back to XI century, which according to the legend was build by ghosts because of its peculiar architecture. 

Orienteering is a great activity for these rural villagers because they don’t have access to any sport premises such stadiums or playgrounds. 

PWT Academy sends thanks to Dhyanchand Foundation, Mr Sandeep Singh, Mr Deepak, Mr Sanjeev Pandey and the New Delhi O-Club for giving this unique chance to these promising athletes. They have never seen not only an orienteering map, but any map before, and some of them run in sandals, but they completed the course with 100% success, no mispunches nor missing points! 

PWT/O-Ringen Academy training

First day of O-Ringen Academy, Thursday 20th July 2023
Started with training in Otssjö,

continued with a visit to the O-Ringen square, where Nuno from Mozambique,
Ricardo from Colombia and Paul from Malaysia where interviewed
by Per Forsberg of Radio O-Ringen, who also interviewed Jaroslav Kacmarcik.

World Orienteering Day 2023: PWT helping new countries

This year the WOD will be held from 17th to 23rd May, and Park World Tour is proudly helping the development of our sport in new countries.

PWT support the work of Mauritius after the great success of last year Mauritius 3 days Orienteering, helping the local federation to improve the use of OCAD for map drawing. The Mauritians are very much involved in the WOD with a lot of trainings and involving many schools for the day.

PWT is also helping India and Malaysia for this occasion.

Stay tuned for the pictures of the activities in these countries!

PWT Academy meets India/2

Recently, Giulia – Project Manager of PWT Academy, visited the Lovely Professional University of Jalandhar, Punjab (LPU) with the help of Dev Balhara. 

Successful meetings were held with Dr Sorabh Lakhanpal, Associate Dean at Division of Students Affairs and Dr. V. Kaul, Professor and Associate Director – Division of Sport, who are keen to introduce orienteering and add a new sport to the 26 already practiced at the LPU. 

The campus of the University is very big, 6km square, more than 25.000 students, 150 programs, students from more than 26 countries, and it is suitable to host both orienteering seminars but also orienteering races. 

PWT and India

Recently, Giulia – Project Manager of PWT Academy, visited Dev Balhara in India.

Dev, back in 2020, was the one contacting Park World Tour with the goal of introducing orienteering in his country. 

In 2022, PWT Academy, with the cooperation of IOF, organized an online seminar of 5 classes to introduce orienteering to 35 participants, mostly Physical Education teachers.

Some days ago, Giulia met Dev in person and started discussing practically about the possibility to introduce orienteering in the Indian school system, and to start thinking about an international event where orienteers from all over the world can run in this fascinating country.

It was a pleasure to present the 25 years Memory book of PWT to Dev, wishing for a long and bright cooperation.

O-Ringen Academy 2022

PWT and PWT Academy was responsible for organizing the O-Ringen Academy 2022, arranged in conjunction with O-Ringen in Uppsala, Sweden, between the 22nd of July and the 31st of July. The O-Ringen Academy is a place for orienteering runners from different countries and on different levels, including beginners, to meet and exchange their experience and learn new. Last time when the O-Ringen Academy was arranged, in 2019, 45 orienteers from 13 countries participated.
This year, there were orienteers from Argentina, Colombia, Egypt, Hong Kong, Japan, North Macedonia, Slovenia, and Turkey.

The Academy activities consisted of several seminars related to orienteering, held by the PWT and also visiting speakers like Albin Ridefelt. The seminars included topics such as organizing an international orienteering event, map drawing, how to involve more the kids in the schools through orienteering, etc. The Academy participants also joined the Global Development Conference organized by the IOF, which included many interesting workshops about different aspect of orienteering.

During the days, the Academy participants obviously took part in the O-Ringen races while also presenting orienteering maps and activities from their own countries in the Academy tent. The evenings were filled with race analysis, shared dinners, and nice time together. The participants could also enjoy visits of some special quests: Peo Bengtsson shared the memories of his life in orienteering (6046 orienteering races so far!) and how O-Ringen started; and Per Ola Olsson presented how to start to draw an orienteering map.

In the tent, there was also the possibility to buy the PWT 25 years memory book as well as the new Memories of the Winners book, which includes stories from all the WOCs since 1966. The tent was also frequently visited by several world champions and elite orienteers, both current and more experienced ones.

Thank you for all the participants. May our paths merge again soon in the future of Orienteering.

ps. Don’t forget Mauritius 3-days Orienteering in November. Registrations are still open!

Last weekend in ASOM – Antwerp

Last week we were present in Antwper, Belgium for the great races of ASOM, organised by Antwerp Orienteers.

On our desk all the participants could see or buy the PWT 25 years book, you can still buy it here!

Or get info about Mauritius 3 days Orienteering event of the next November…

And also get info about the book “Memories of the winners” – and leaf through and extract of it!

The WRE race of Sunday was spectacular, and we awarded the winners Megan Carter-Davies and Matthias Kyburz with a voucher to Mauritius 3 days Orienteering!

But don’t worry too much, there’s still a chance to win the last 2 vouchers for Mauritius Orienteering at the sprint race of WOC Denmark 2022!

Keep following us and stay updated about where you can meet us next and where to pick up the book without shipping costs.